
Heys is a collection of my letters I send to myself. It's a way for me to step out of me and reflect on me, and life.

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Akash you keep trying these things to improve yourself over and over again but they never seem to give you any satisfaction do they?. And how can they, you have this this fundamental sense in you that you’re broken. Let me in you on a secret, you’re not broken my friend. You are complete. You don’t gotta change anything. Just be.

Thanks and have a lovely evening

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Sometimes you gotta let go of things, not because they’re bad for you, rather that you’re not ready for them yet. And it’s really okay to be not be ready, but you gotta step back and re-evaluate.

Have a lovely evening my friend

Hey Akash, how are you doing today?

Akash you know you keep saying that you want happiness and/or peace but I feel like you don’t really want what you say. And you clearly don’t want happiness cause you absolutely know how to get happiness / be happy. No what you really want is all the things that you desire. You know what I’m talking about. However what you don’t realize is that all these desires are what you hold back from being happy. If you just let go of your desires, you’re happy right here and now. More importantly, you’ll finally feel free. I want you think really hard about this.

Have a thoughtful day my friend

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Akash you ought to let go of the idea of potential and focus on what you can do today. You can’t do anything about the past and the future doesn’t exist, no what you really have is today. So just focus on what you can today. And you don’t have to grand things today. But you gotta take that one small step towards your goals, today.

Just absolutely and relentlessly focus on what you can do today, let the future take care of itself!

Have a lovely evening my friend

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Akash, I feel like your judgement of you is absolutely hurting you more than anything else in this world. Let it go main, give yourself a break. Why can’t you look yourself as the way you look at a tree ? Why can’t you have the same empathy towards yourself as you do towards literally everyone else? I want you think really hard about this.

Akash, you gotta nurture yourself with kindness, gentleness, and patience.

Have a lovely evening my friend

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Akash, you know you’ve always had this insatiable desire to learn about the world. From what star you’re looking at in the sky to how insulin helps transport glucose into the cell. I think this curiosity of yours is your greatest strength and you should protect it all costs.

Stay curious my friend

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Akash, riding a bike is so natural to you right now that you don’t even think about it but I distinctly remember how when you were a kid and learning to bicycle, you were scared shitless any time someone let go of the bike. This is how learning feels like. It feels scary, it feels like you don’t know what you’re doing, it feels like you’re going to fall down, it feels like you’re going to hurt yourself, it feels like you’re going to make a fool of yourself. You think you can’t seem to learn but I want to argue that it’s just false narrative in your head. The mere fact that you’re sitting here right now suggests to me that you can learn anything. What I do think happened is that overtime you’ve let your fears take hold you cause I distinctly remember when fear never stopped you from diving head first into literally anything. But today it seems like you avoid learning like a plague cause of fear. Don’t let that fear stop you my man. You need to look right at the fear and dive head first into learning, You’ve done it a thousands of times before, and I’m certain you can do it thousands more times.

Can you try and be more bolder for me please?

Have a powerful weekend my friend Akash

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Akash you’re always on lookout for negative feelings, bad habits, negative behaviours in you and you fight so hard to get rid of them. But fighting them counterintuitively makes them stronger and you weaker. You can never win by fighting them. You can only ever hope to win through kindness. You’ve to allow yourself to be kind towards your negative feelings. You’ve to create space for it. And most importantly, you’ve to try to see through the lens of sheer non-judgement. Then, and only then you can hope to win. So go out there and be kind, towards you and others.

Have a lovely day my friend

Hey Akash how are you doing today?

Akash there’s something magical about early mornings that you really like. And I think all the birds chirping outside would agree. I also hear couple of squirrels playing around. It seems as if we are all in-tune with the earth in a way. I think it makes sense cause we’ve only had electricity for what 2-3 centuries? But we’ve been relying on earth for our activities for like hundreds of thousands of years! Anyways the point I am trying to make is that you like waking up early, it makes you productive and I would love to see more of this in you.

Note that you can’t force it. Just appreciate the days when you do wake up early, and know that over time you’d keep doing it more cause you like it!

Have a productive day my friend

Hi Akash how are you doing today?

You know if there’s one thing that has reliably worked time and again for you is exercise. I can go into details about how and why it helps but tbh it doesn’t matter; if it works, it works. Can you promise to always give it a try before trying anything else?

Thanks, have a lovely evening my friend