
Heys is a collection of my letters I send to myself. It's a way for me to step out of me and reflect on me, and life.

Hey akash, how are you doing today?

Akash, you learn to let it go by realizing that you never had it to begin with! It was always just an illusion!

Do you control what the weather would be like today? What about the earth’s rotation around the sun? What about what neurons to fire in your brain? Maybe instructing your motor proteins to transfer nutrients Maybe instructing your immune system to fight off that cold.

You get the idea, the universe takes care of the minute details to the very vast details then what makes you think you do have control?

More importantly, if it can take care of all those things, what makes you think it can’t take care of you too?

The answer is, it’ll take care of you if you let it go.

Think about it.

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

You’ve everything you need to be happy right here right now. It’s only your beliefs that make you unhappy.

My hope is that one day you will realize it. It might take you your whole lifetime.

Thanks, have a good night

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Anger is proxy for hurt. And hurt is proxy for unmet needs. Figure out what those needs are, and fulfill them. And You’ll finally feel free.

Thanks, have a lovely day

Hi Akash, how are you doing?

I keep having to bring this up but you gotta find patience within yourself man. I see so much restlessness in you. It’s okay, just notice it. Take a deep breadth. Calm down. It’s going to take a while. And that’s okay cause you’re going to be here for a while :)

Thanks, have a lovely night

P.S. Don’t try to force the restlessness within you to still down or it’ll have the opposite effect. It’s like a quicksand, the more you struggle, harder it’ll become.

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

I’ve to admit, I kinda misunderstood fear. Fear isn’t something to be conquered or overcome. That’s a wrong way to look at it. Rather, fear is like a guard dog for your needs. Every time it barks, it’s trying to signal you about your unmet needs man. Your problem is that you have a hypersensitive guard dog. And you gotta to train him better. Hint: Forming habits and learning about cbt would help

Thanks, have a lovely evening

Hey Akash, how are you doing today?

I know you want to create a business. I know you’ll be good at that. I know that you know that. So what’s stopping you? Why aren’t you building yet?! Go create things!

Thanks, have a lovely day

Hey Akash, how are you doing today?

It’s hard man. It’s really hard. At the same time, you’re strong. Really strong. You got this!

Thanks, Have a lovely evening

P.S. And remember, I’m always here with you.

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

You know, you think that you can fight this battle alone but we both know you’ve been struggling. You already know this, the real strength comes from a team. You gotta let people in your team man. That’s how you win!

Thanks, have a lovely evening

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

You know, you’re afraid of other people’s criticism about you but did you stop to ponder how much do you criticize yourself? And honestly that also guards your giant wall that is fear of failure. You gotta stop criticizing yourself man. You get a pass. It doesn’t count.

Thanks, have a lovely day

P.S. Think about what your inner monologue looks like. Are you being an asshole to you ? Or are you being compassionate ?

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Akash, just one more Tim Ferris’s podcast, just one more book, just one more course, just one more thing won’t make you ready. Don’t you see, you’ll never be ready! And anyways it’s their wisdom, not yours. Wisdoms have experience component wrapped onto them. You can’t just apply someone else’s wisdom to your life. It just won’t stick!

Thanks, have a lovely day

P.S. You just gotta be patient with yourself man