
Heys is a collection of my letters I send to myself. It's a way for me to step out of me and reflect on me, and life.

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Akash, you know what your problem is? You lack purpose. Duh. And here’s the kicker, you think that you can think your way out of your lack of purpose. I.e. you can think and get to know what your deepest purpose is. Logically it makes sense. Going inward. But it’s extremely hard. You know what is easy? Going outward. And here’s the funny thing that happens when you go outward, the outward things/people starts acting as a mirror showing your inner you. So, you’ve got to be out there enjoying life, having fun. You’ll find your purpose while dancing with the world. Let’s go!

Thanks, have a beautiful day

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Sorry I was late to reach out to you today. I know that sometimes you are not strong enough. And that is okay. Take a step back, reevaluate the situation, and try again. As long as you try again, everything’s good. So keep trying my friend.

Thanks, have a lovely evening

P.S. Reminds me of this quote from Dark Knight Rises, “Why do we fall? So that we can get back up again.”

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Hopelessness. It’s when your brain has lot of evidence from the past and is now very certain about the doom-ness in the future. But do you see that the very notion of hopelessness implies a certain outcome in the future. Which in turn implies a fixed and predictable future. Don’t you think that that is absurd? Logically, you can falsify the concept of hopelessness. But that still doesn’t ignore the fact that you feels this way. And people usually take actions based on feelings rather than rationality. So, what you really need to do is to use rationality to evoke different emotions that are helpful to you, which in turn would govern your decisions.

Have a beautiful day

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Akash, if you look at all the people you admire, all the people you aspire to be, all the things you aspire to do, etc you’ll see that they all point in this general direction of a desire to be happy, peaceful and content. What does it say about you?

Thanks, Have a beautiful day.

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

You know the world has no obligation to offer you anything. But you do have an obligation to ask for what you want. And more importantly, work towards it. The world will reward you for that.

Thanks, have a beautiful day

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Akash, I’m sitting here sipping coffee early in the morning at this coffee shop and you what I notice? I see lot of people just driving by in their motorbike with their dogs. Some sitting on their laps, some on the the footrest, some with multiple dogs. Everyone going for a walk at the beach I presume. And it strikes that me how dogs give their humans a sense of purpose in a way. Now they’ve someone to look up and take care of. A reason to get up early in the morning. And in a way, dogs get a sense of purpose too. To take care of their human counterparts. It is codependent in a way. I see that and I’m like I need my dog. I mean, I need a purpose. Something to look up to. And maybe it doesn’t have to be grander you know.

Thanks, have a beautiful day

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Akash, you’ve a certain way of looking at world. But not everyone looks at the world the same way. And when you stop to consider all these different world views, you’ll really get a better understanding of how you look at the world. You’ll iron out your beliefs, values and systems. So keep a open mind and go talk to people!

Thanks, have a beautiful day,

Hey Akash, how are you doing today ?

You know it’s very hard to see clearly when the things are muddy. Duh. But it’s hard to realize that when you’re in that muddy situation. It’s obvious only in hindsight. So sometimes you need to learn to trust your instincts and not what you’re seeing in front of you. Because what’s in front of you is really muddy. It’s like how a pilots trusts the readings on their computer to make the decisions rather than from the window because it’s a storm outside. You’re the pilot, and the computer is your instinct.

Have a good day man

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

You can’t solve a problem you don’t know/understand. So, you’ve got to define your problem clearly and precisely. You’ve got to know the inns and outs of the problem. Only then can you begin to solve it. Define your problem man.

Have a lovely day,

Hi Akash, how are you doing today?

Self Respect. You’ve got to earn your respect. You do that by doing things that deem worthy of your own respect. Write those things down and make it your #1 priority to work on them. Literally every other thing just comes later.

Have a beautiful day,

P.S. You do not have to succeed in any of those respect worthy things. But you do have to try. Give your all.